Sunday, December 7, 2008

I'm Still Posting . . .

I've been way behind on posting this week. I'm starting to blog like my sister-in-law Britt! This should be the last installment of my parent's visit and then it's on to future posts like how to make paper mache Christmas crafts.

Thanksgiving day was just another day here, so I was able to buy some of the meal necesities that day! I had ordered my turkey a few weeks earlier from my chicken guy.

"It's a very fresh turkey. It was killed yesterday." Said the chicken guy. Dang that is fresh.

While the turkey relaxed in the crock pot, we went on a hike in the mountains. Don't be fooled by the snow. It wasn't that cold out.

And yes we made Renae hike the entire way. Ok, not really. We originally had her in a sling, but she just wanted to walk.

Mom and Daughter on the mountain!

The day was beautiful!

I think I found REAL holly and berries!

When we reached our destination, we enjoyed the views and ate our lunch.

The four of us pose for the timed camera shot.

Renae became quite fussy about half way up and didn't want to walk or be held so we decided she was tired. She cried in Jesse's arms for awhile and fell sleep. She finished her nap at the top while we ate our lunches.

On an old Roman bridge.

Back at home later that night, we enjoyed a nice Thanksgiving feast in our warm apartment.

Jesse's language partner, Freddy, came over too. He loved everything except for the green bean casserole. What's up with that?

And this is where Renae got stuck after dinner. She loves to play with the shoes on our shoe rack. On Thanksgiving night, I guess her love of shoes almost did her in.

Friday we toured the Royal Palace with Freddy.

Nana gave Renae lots of kisses during their visit.

Mom and I in the Plaza Mayor. The lights all over town were lit that night, and the markets that sell Nativity sets opened too. It was a beautiful night!

Saturday we put up our Christmas tree and enjoyed our 5 year tradition of eating chili with just candles and the Christmas tree lights on. It was nice to have my parents still here as we began our Holiday season.

Three generations!
Sunday we had to say good-bye which was not fun. It was so nice to have family here, especially during this time of year. Now when we talk to them, they can picture where we live. Good-byes are never easy but I think we're getting better at them . . . maybe.

Renae tried to go with them . . . it almost worked.


Anonymous said...

Ummm....EXCUSE ME.

"As bad as my sister-in-law"?!!!
I'm sorry - you have a ways to go until you are that bad! ;)
Great pics.
I like the shots of you 4 adults on the mountain and of Renae stuck in the shoe rack!
(the sis-in-law who updates in whole-month chunks) :)

Jenny said...

your turkey was fresh...could you tell the difference?

Christy said...

first of all, i am SO happy for you that you got to spend time with your mom, especially over the holidays! i can't imagine being that far away from my mom! and second of all, every time i read your posts about renae staying up late or taking naps in random places, i CAN'T BELIEVE how flexible she is! audrey hasn't fallen asleep in our arms, or her stroller, since she was like 2 months old, and nowadays she barely sleeps in her carseat either! we don't do much travelling, or going out for that matter, if it interrupts a nap or bedtime! okay sorry that was long. :)