Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Reunions, Residence Cards, and Renae! UPDATED!

Jesse's back! And Renae (our non-cuddler) couldn't seem to let go of Jesse. He didn't mind one bit.

And Jesse is finally official! After the long, not-so-fun residency process, he finally has his card in hand. I get to experience the long line fun tomorrow. With Renae. Oh joy.

We headed to Ikea to pick up a few household things.

Renae really enjoyed the berries.


Scott & Julie said...

I'm really feeling sorry for you already for your big day tomorrow standing in line with Renae. I hope it goes smoothly. Cute pictures too - can't wait to watch the videos!

Senegal Daily said...

You definitely have my sympathies - and prayers!! - for today.

Keep us posted.

Welcome back, Jesse!

Christy said...

just wanted to let you know i'm tagging you for a blog game. see my latest post for details!

Scott & Julie said...

I would have roared laughing had Renae thrown one of those balls at her father!

kpjordan said...

I absolutely love that shot of Renae hugging Jesse! So very sweet. I'm sure Jesse savored it as long as she was holding on. Thanks for sharing that moment. Praying for your trip to gov't office for official business that haunts ex-pats.

Anonymous said...

Oh, yes...standing in line with a toddler is so much fun. Good luck! So very happy to hear you found a place with Dr Pepper, I don't think I could live without it! Renae, or should I say Esther) is getting so big!zj