Sunday, November 30, 2008

It's Been a Zoo!

We said good-bye to my parents today. Tears were shed. Not by Jesse or Renae, but my Mom and I took care of their share. We had a wonderful visit, and we really enjoyed having people from home here to see and understand where we live. Our living room is getting re-painted this week so I won't be taking any new pictures. I'll just do a few installments of my parent's visit. We were so busy this past week that I had no energy to blog at the end of our days.

We spent the day at the zoo last Saturday. The weather was perfect!

This was before Renae gagged and puked at the baby farm animal area.

Getting ready to watch a sea-lion and seal show. It was great!

These bears were hilarious.

Renae enjoyed the many rides on Grandpy's shoulders.

Renae had no fear of the sharks.

Here, she is probably telling Grandpy all about the sea animals.

Good thing we had a zoo navigator!


kpjordan said...

And you think you need a GPS! ("Turn left at the next cage, Grandpy.")

Scott & Julie said...

The zoo looked as if it were a fun time! I especially like the picture where your heads are in place of the animals.
I've been thinking about you today! Make sure Jesse gives you extra hugs today!

rebadawn said...

I'm so glad they were able to visit you guys! Looks like you had a wonderful time while they were there!!

Keely said...

Don't you just hate goodbyes?! I just love Renae's ponytail! Doesn't she pull it out?

Jenny said...

Goodbyes are so hard! I still cry when I leave my parents and they are a mere six hours...not six countries away like you! Looks like the zoo was fun. Did Jesse see any of his relatives at the zoo?

Haha! I just had to ask! :)