Thursday, August 27, 2009

Our Baby Girl is 2!

How does the time go so fast?? Jesse and I were reminiscing today about the day Renae was born. After a long and hard labor Renae finally entered this world and the doctor announced, "It's a girl!" For about the next 3-4 days Jesse and I became experts at faking emotions we knew we should have. We wanted to be surprised so we didn't find out the sex of the baby. However . . . we also didn't realize just how much we wanted a boy until we were told we'd had a girl. So we half-heartedly said, "Ahh . . . yay . . ." And even as I held her for the first time, I remember looked at her and thinking, "Ok . . . so you're my daughter. That's weird. I guess we'll figure this out later." At one point, the emotions were so bad that I cried to my dear sister-in-law, "Julie I just want them to put her back in, I want her to come out via c-section, and I want her to come out as a boy!!" Yeah. It was a proud Mommy moment.

Needless to say . . . I finally truly stepped into my identity as a Mother about a year and a half into Renae's life and of course, we wouldn't trade Renae for a million boys. I love being a Mom to Renae. She is a fun little girl and we feel so blessed to have a healthy, happy and cute little girl. She will be a great big sister for her little brother!! Happy Birthday Baby Girl!

A pancake in the shape of a 2 (short of . . .)

She actually blew out the candle on her own!

And this is how I found Renae yesterday . . . .

I'm going to have to be careful she doesn't do that when her brother gets here . . .


Nate and Natalie said...

Happy 2nd Birthday Renae! Hope you get lots of cake. Julie, your birthday pancake was really creative, nice job.

Jenny said...

Renae is 2??!!!! Happy Birthday, Renae. Julie, of course you would make a bday pancake. You are so creative in the kitchen!

Kari said...

Happy Birthday to Renae!! I can't believe our little ones are 2! Hope she has a great day!!

Wendi Reger said...

Happy Birthday peanut! Next year you will be in the u.s. for your third birthday!

kpjordan said...

Absolutely love the pics!!! Thanks for posting them so quickly, Julie.