Monday, June 14, 2010

A New Era Has Begun

1 moving van, 1 swagger wagon, 1 "SUV" and a compact car

We're 27 and 28 years old and we finally moved out of our parents house! OK, cut us some slack . . . we returned from almost 2 years living in Spain and had no place to live for 4 months before moving down to Kansas City. My parents were very gracious to let us camp out at their place. We wore out our welcome though and finally made the big move.

One of Sammy's last naps in Nana and Grandpy's house.

I mentioned before that Jesse will be getting his Master's of Counseling beginning this fall. This begins at least a 3 year seminary living experience for us. Now that we've been here a week, I can say that some of the sterotypes are true. Jesse attended a video game night that (of course) ended with a few guys praying the sterotypical Christian jargon kind of prayers. There hearts are in the right place I'm sure . . . (and obviously my judgmental heart is not! )

Renae and her confident self on the way to her new park. ( No Jaime at this one :( )

Thankfully, not all of the people fit the sterotypes and we've already met some pretty cool neighbors. Jesse has even made one guy jealous due to "our" recent Cornhole game project. Hmmm . . . since some people think Cornhole is a bad term should I start calling it The Bean Bag Toss game? Or since we live at the seminary, Bible Toss??

Checking out our garden plot

One of the cool things about living on seminary is they have a garden! We lucked out (ahem-were blessed) to get a plot that no one was using. It's not in the greatest spot in the garden but hey, we're just giving it a shot anyways. My thumb is a dark shade of pink so I'll be calling my Mother-in-law for lots of advice with our garden.

All of the garden plots

I'm hoping planting a garden will save us some money because I've now jumped on the Penny Pinching wagon and every little bit helps. I've also jumped on the Half-off Coupon-Cutting wagon which is actually pretty fun so far. Last week I saved 15 dollars in coupons-and I didn't even go in with that great of a plan!

Sammy McFatterson

In all seriousness, we are really excited to be here. Jesse is looking forward to starting his career path, and I'm looking forward to what adventures will be coming our way. We know it won't be easy by any means, but we saw how many cool (though at times hard) things God taught us while in Spain and we are trusting the same will happen in this next phase!

Keep Reading!


P_31Girl said...

Oh the joys of Bible college! You'll survive, you've had enough REAL WORLD experience!

Jenny said...

Busy or not, I must say it's about time you blogged! I've missed you! So far, so good....seminary can't be all that bad since they still allow video games. :) I'm excited for you and your garden. I'll be picking your brain next year when I have one (a garden that is, not a brain, haha)...this year I just got to overwhelmed to get the job done. Praying for you!

Beatriz said...

Bien! I missed your posts, and I missed seeing your babies faces even more! You are right about McFatterson, I can´t believe those legs :)
Kansas is greener than I expected (well I expected Wizard of Oz landscape, it´s my only reference) I´m sure Renae will enjoy it. Good luck!

Senegal Daily said...

Yay for blogging! (And pictures) We'll be living with the 'rents for a couple months this fall, so I'm not about to knock it. And a minivan? Probably still tops a bus in the coolness factor :)

kpjordan said... I'll start checking your blog more than just once a month now. (I can't say too much...maybe some day I'll pick up my blog again). Nice to see pics of the kiddos. I wonder if Renae thought her long shadow was pretty cool.

rwreger said...

You did NOT wear out your welcome. We'll take Sammy and Renae anytime;)) and yes, thanks for FINALLY posting!!