Britt and Dan in another cool tower in Vieux Lyon.
Looks like Kari and Britt went somewhere they weren't supposed to . . .
Aww . . . .
Britt and I in the famous red or pink tower.
Look who's the expert walker now!
"What IS this thing I'm on?"
Window scene of a restaurant??
Or miniature model of restaurant!
Britt drools over pastries . . . Jesse over guitars.
"When will these women be done shoping?"
A famous square on a cool rainy day. Love it.
So this isn't a pastry, but at least I caught Britt in the act of stuffing her face instead of me stuffing mine.
Lunch at a little coffee shop. Notice who has Renae of course . . .
Not sure what this is, but I love the many old buildings in Lyon and I LOVED the green landscape! Spain is not so green where we come from . . .
"Seriously people. I'm cold. It's rainy, and I want a pastry too. Can we get out of here?"
I'D keep her warm...She does look cold and lonely in that last pic :o(
Keep the pics coming, Julie. Am savoring them all.
Seriously jealous of your trip. I think we need some more explanation on that mini resturant. What was the purpose behind that?
Vacations overseas are so much fun! Keep enjoying them!
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