Sunday, June 29, 2008

When In Rome . . .

We are back yet again. It seems our first 2 months here we have hardly lived HERE! But now our traveling days are over for awhile and we can finish getting settled and unpacked, start really learning the language and culture and just start living! We have been in Rome for the past week and I have lots of pictures to share.

However, tonight is the Euro Cup FINAL and Spain is in it!!! Last Sunday, Spain beat Italy for the first time in 88 years!!!! So it was a big deal. The game starts in less than an hour and horns have been honking for the last few. Spain plays Germany (unfortunately, L&K), which as our taxi driver told me today, "They aren't bad, but they aren't the team they were when I was young . . ." So we'll just have to wait and see. The plus side about Spain winning is obvious; We get to puff up with pride for the country we reside in. The down side if they win is we will most likely get to listen to car horns and fireworks well into the night. There is a plaza somewhat nearby where fans gather to watch the game and it's been full since yesterday afternoon. They are serious about their soccer! We get into it because it is pretty fun here. I'm off to bake some old fashioned chocolate chip cookies, drink some coke, and watch the game! Check back later for pictures of our trip!


lankris said...

Ok, two things:

1. I miss tank tops!!

2. Is Jesse trying to grow some facial hair to be more like Lance? Was he that inspired from our last skype meeting? :)

Love you, can't wait to see more pics!

Reflictions of a Sharecroppers Daughter said...

We don't care anything about soccer we want more pictures of Renae!!!

Mandi said...

so I totally need to visit you, cause apparently you guys get to go to all kinds of cool places! ;-)

Love the new header/banner!

Jack and Sheryl said...

Congrats on your big win! I can say that without hard feelings because Spain wasn't the one that knocked out Turkey. :) And if it's anything like here, I'm sure you did hear fireworks and car horns all night long!