Renae had her 2 month appointment today and she got her shots earlier this week. Poor thing! I held her on my lap while the nurse gave her the shots. She was sitting there all calm and happy and then all of a sudden they put a needle in her leg. Ouch! She didn't like it at all. I felt bad for my little girl. And as skinny as she is I thought the needle might just go right through her leg! Anyway, at birth she weighed 8lbs 2 oz. Today she weighed 10 lbs. What a little girl! I guess she is just going to be petite for awhile. The thing that amazes me is that some woman GIVE BIRTH to 10 lb babies! I can't imagine birthing a child as big as Renae is now!
Jason was 9 lbs. 11 oz. at birth!! She IS a peanut!!
She looks so very tiny sitting next to her dad on the couch. Makes me want to hold her...again.
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