Vamos: Thanks for taking the time to chat with us Renae. We really appreciate it.
Renae: No problem. Mom, I know you are Vamos so I had to talk with you wether I wanted to or not.
Vamos: So you've lived in Spain for over a year. What has been your favorite memory so far?
Renae: Hmmm . . . it would probably be the first time Mom and Dad took me into a chucheria. I had no idea what I'd been missing my whole life!
Vamos: And a chucheria is a what?
Renae: It's a candy store. Full of candy. And sugar. I really like the gummy worms and the long red things covered in sugar.
Vamos: So you moved from the midwest to a city of 6 million people. How do you like the urban life?
Renae: Well, I didn't start remembering things for long periods of time until a few months ago. So I have no recollection of living in that place you just mentioned. But I really like my house! I get to help my Mom open the big door downstairs, and sometimes we ride the elevator up to our big brown door. It has a big knobby thing in the middle that is just my size for helping open and shut the door. Oh wait . . . you asked about living in the city. Let's see, I love going to the park. Usually other kids share their sand toys and I also get to show off my mad slide skills. When we go places other than our neighborhood I get to ride on the bus and wave at people in the cars next to me. City life is good . . .
Vamos: Do you ever miss green grass and open space?
Renae: Well . . . I don't ever remember having those things. Man Mom, are you even paying attention to what I'm saying? You and Dad, I mean, my parents say they miss having some open grassy spaces so they take me to a big park sometimes where I get to play. And last time we went we took Tio Fede so it was really fun.
Vamos: I hear there are lots of dogs in Europe. What do you think of that?
Renae: Well, I want a puppy so bad I can hardly stand it. I try and point out every puppy that I see, and I'll pet any that will let me come near them. But the puppies, well, they leave their poo-poo on the streets and that's kind of gross. Mommy is always making sure I don't step in it. And when she was pregnant she REALLY didn't like the dog poo in the streets. I like to imitate her gagging. He he.
Vamos: So besides your awesome parents, who do you play with? Do you have any friends?
Renae: Well, I play with my buddies Levi and David sometimes when our parents get together. And at church, I have a friend called Irene. She invited me to come swim at her pool this summer. And Aicha has a little boy who likes to make scary animal noises at me. I used to be really scared. But now I make animal noises too. I'm good at the lion.
Vamos: OK, so you keep telling me that you don't remember anything. Do you remember any people?
Renae: Oh sure! I get to talk to Nana and Grandpy and Grandma and Grandpa the most thanks to the computer. I don't really understand why they are only in the computer. But I like talking to them. I really miss Addisee. She was so much fun to play with when we went back for Uncle Michael and Aunt Heather's wedding!
Vamos: So can you speak Spanish?
Renae: Everyone asks my parents that! What is this Spanish? I don't get it! When we are at home we speak one way and I understand lots and lots. And I can say a lot of things now. But when we leave the house, Mommy and Daddy call me Esther (it's my middle name) and they talk a different way. I understand a lot of that stuff too. I can't say as much but I can repeat pretty much anything people say. Sometimes, we talk the way we do at home, outside on the street. But only if we are just hanging out as a family. All I know is outside of the house, I say "Hola!" to everyone I see!
Vamos: Which parent do you like the most?
Renae: Mom . . . .
Vamos: Ok ok . . . what do you like about your parents?
Renae: Well, Daddy is a lot of fun. He plays with me a lot. He throws me on the couch over and over again because I keep saying "More." He also plays his guitar so I can dance and sing. Mommy reads me a lot of books and she lets me get messy. Daddy doesn't really like me getting messy . . . Mommy and Daddy both give me lots of kisses and hugs. And I love to give tight squeezes back. Life is good.